3 weeks ago
After the update when I am trying to play anything via a VD connection on my PC it will stutter/freeze for about .5/1 second every 10-15 seconds.
I have tested it with several games and it occurs on every one.
Never had the issue before. Was playing HL-ALEX on it right before the update was applied. Tested it after I read another forum post about the stutter. I can confirm it is occurring.
i7 14700F / 64GB / GTX 4070TI Super - Dedicated 6e router connection
There was a suggestion from one of the people on the forum to drop from the PTC program so the system will drop you back to v72. They reported that it fixes all the issues. I am going to hold off for the moment in the hopes that they get some patches out quickly that will fix the issue.
3 weeks ago
v74になった QUEST 3はそうなります。
v72の QUEST3sは大丈夫です。
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