01-18-2025 03:47 AM
A friend of mine recently gifted me his oculus quest 2. I factory reset it and i have been trying to pair it to my account. When i try to pair it it says "there's already an account paired to it". Im guessing that my friends account is still paired to it. How can i pair it without having to ask him to do it?
01-18-2025 07:07 AM
@i.eat.biscuits just get your friend to unpair the device from his account using the mobile app. Repeat the full factory reset process and pair it to your account.
01-19-2025 04:49 AM
I would do that, fact is that it's kind of hard for me to contact him (reasons) and it would be easier to unpair it without him. Is there a way? or no?
01-19-2025 06:34 AM
@i.eat.biscuits you've done the full factory reset, with it being powered off, holding the volume down button and pressing the power button until the USB update menu appears, yes?
a month ago
Yes i am able to see the usb update menu and i have done a factory reset
a month ago
@i.eat.biscuits then having done all that, it should allow you to pair the headset to the mobile app that you set up with your new account.
a month ago
I tried, but the mobile app is just telling me that the headset is already paired to an account.
a month ago
@i.eat.biscuits sorry, I'm all out of ideas. You may have to bite the bullet and speak to your 'friend'
Good luck.
a month ago
Inshallah, the gods shall be with me when i bite the bullet. Thanks for your time and help.
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