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Parental supervision Issues- wrong birthday

Honored Guest

I am the parent of a 13 year old. When I set up his account a few years ago I somehow put his birth year in wrong (I'm sort of dyslexic with numbers). Did not notice until he turned 13 and still has no access to things he should. That's where we discovered i put his birth year in wrong. Tried to change it multiple times from my parent NEVER has worked. I've tried it and it just says cannot be completed with a link to support that just gives me a FAQ that is useless with my issue. As the parent I should be able to change his birth year to reflect the correct year. His google account has his correct birthday which is linked to his meta account. Do I need to send you a birth certificate to get the rights to change my child's birth year to the correct one? Why have a supervision account linked if I don't have access to change my child's info? Frustrating to say the least.


Please don't say that I have to wait for an "undisclosed" amount of time. I haven't changed it yet, because it won't let me.


Honored Guest

Where are these people?! I'm having issues as well.  

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