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Pavlov vr meta wont launch

Honored Guest
  • My Pavlov on my meta quest 2 wont work , all it does is show a black screen loading and when I click on the menu button it closes, I have tried restarting, reinstalling it , and a lot of things for it to work but it doesn't work, and its just Pavlov vr. 

Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey there @DammitEvan!

Thanks for posting on the Meta Quest Community Forums!

I understand how annoying it can be when one of your games just doesn't want to work and start-up especially when you've tried a lot troubleshooting to try and get it to work. It could be a possible issue with the game itself, considering it is only Pavlov VR that is affected. 

As this most likely is a game developer issue, you could try to get further support by contacting the Pavlov Developers here: Vankrupt Games

Hope this helps! 🐢

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