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People with GTX 970 (mini hdmi & display ports), what are your results with adapters?

You can see the ports here:
1 dvi, 3 mini displayports and 1 mini hdmi.

Being that there is no where to stick the full size HDMI, I bought the one Oculus suggested in their support help page:
Accell B086B-005B UltraAV Mini DisplayPort 1.1 to HDMI 1.4 Passive Adapter

I have monitor in dvi port and Oculus in displayport via adapter.

My results:
- Setup Complete no problem
- Movies, Photos, no problem
- Lucky's Tale in high graphics, no problem for long playtime
- Farlands in medium graphics, no problem
- Farlands in high graphics, after 3-5 minutes screen will flicker a bit to black and then stay black. No message about hdmi losing connection. If i put Oculus down and close the game then I can put it back on again and see the home screen without having to unplug the hdmi. (No whiiring from GPU).
- Steam VR Project CARS, Start race with other cars and Oculus goes black before it loads the track. Windows gives error saying hdmi lost connection. Only way to fix is exit game and unplug hdmi then plug it back in. Starting race solo I can drive around for a minute or two before Oculus goes black, errors and fix is the same. Additionally GPU is making whiiring sound until cord is unplugged and is fine after putting back in.
- Steam VR VROOM: Aerie, Same thing happens after a few minutes Oculus will go black. Playing with the toys sometimes seems to trigger it. HDMI connection loss message given, need to unplug and plug back in to fix and GPU whiiring until done.

That's all I have tested so far. I'm guessing here that my Oculus is not the problem since it can play Lucky's Tale for a long time with no problems. It seems like the more strain on the GPU the quicker it drops to black screen.

What are your 970 adapter results?
Anyone have complete success?
Does a hdmi mini - hdmi adapter work successfully?
Do you have a dvi - hdmi adapter that works better?
Is it another problem all together?

People really need to start listing their complete PC specs for tech issues.

But ultimately, I think your 970 is being overworked.


Goobers said:

People really need to start listing their complete PC specs for tech issues.

But ultimately, I think your 970 is being overworked.

System Configuration:
Chassis Model: Special Deal Hot Seller - Pre-built Digital Storm VANQUISH 3 - Level 4
Exterior Finish: - Standard Factory Finish
Trim Accents: - Standard Factory Finish
Processor: Intel Core i5 4690K 3.50 GHz (Codename Devils Canyon) (Unlocked CPU) (Quad Core)
Motherboard: ASUS/GIGABYTE (Intel Z97 Chipset) (SLI Ready)
System Memory: 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Digital Storm Certified Performance Series
Power Supply: 750W Corsair CX750M
Expansion Bay: - No Thanks
Optical Drive: DVD-R/RW/CD-R/RW (DVD Writer 24x / CD-Writer 48x)
Storage Set 1: 1x SSD (250GB Samsung 850 EVO)
Storage Set 2: 1x (1TB Seagate (7200 RPM) (64MB Cache)
Storage Set 3: - No Thanks
RAID Config: - No Thanks
RAID Card: - No Thanks
Internet Access: High Speed Network Port (Supports High-Speed Cable / DSL / Network Connections)
Graphics Card(s): 1x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB (Includes PhysX)
Sound Card: Integrated Motherboard Audio
HPC Processor: - No Thanks
Extreme Cooling: AIR: Stage 1: High Performance Cooler with Large Fan and Copper Pipes
H20 Tube Color: - Not Applicable, I do not have a FrostChill or Sub-Zero LCS Cooling System Selected
Chassis Fans: Standard Factory Chassis Fans
Internal Lighting: - No Thanks
Airflow Control: - No Thanks
Chassis Mods: - No Thanks
Noise Reduction: - No Thanks
LaserMark: - No Thanks
CPU Boost: Stage 1: Overclock CPU 4.0GHz to 4.4GHz
Graphics Boost: - No Thanks, Please do not overclock my video card(s)
Memory Boost: - No Thanks, Please do not overclock my memory
OS Boost: - No Thanks, Please do not tweak the services on the operating system
Windows OS: Microsoft (Upgraded to Windows 10)

Yay for copy & paste (though, not sure what you want me to do with info about stuff you don't have or accent colors... other than to muddle the more useful info).

Anyway... from a performance standpoint, I would suggest adding some more RAM... but honestly, it most likely isn't related to you losing the HDMI (technically possible, just not sure how probable).

That aside, losing an HDMI connection sounds like a hardware fault. But at the same time, it could be a driver or software INITIATED fault. If it's straight hardware fault, then there's a chance the card or some other component is going bad or simply incompatible. But need hardware to swap-test. And repair/replace as necessary.

If it's a software/driver initiated fault, then you might be able to get away with just changing a setting or what not without paying more $$$.

How full is your 250 GB SSD?

How full does your RAM get?

Is your Corsair power supply compatible with any of Corsairs PSU monitoring software?

These are some of the things I can think of, off the top of my head that might trigger a fault.

For the time being... I suggest you download a program called MSI AfterBurner. It's a pretty decent hardware monitoring program (namely for GPU/CPU/RAM info). Then log the data into a file as you play and exam the log afterwards and see if there's anything in particular that occurs around the time the issues pop up.

Hey thanks for the help 🙂
20gb free space 250 is sooo small. Not sure on the other stuff I'll have to try that program out. I'm a novice when it comes to hardware.

Well, I'm happy to report that I tried the 2 Steam VR games again and they worked! Project CARS in high graphics for around an hour with full 20 car races and no problems. VROOM: Aerie worked great too with no problems except for my cat. I was watching the banana lady dance (guess what, she's not wearing any underwear!!) and my cat jumped on my back then tried to jump on the high ledge above me and ended up hitting me in the head with a yoga mat and a shoe. You really just have to accept your fate to what will fall on you when you are in VR. It's the future!!!

If you're lucky, that might've just been a "parts getting to know each other" kinda deal. I know that doesn't really make sense, but initially, I had issues with Elite Dangerous rebooting my system after setting up the Rift and it stopped after the next day.

But yea, that MSI AB is useful if you're encountering things like stutter/lag (looks like a slide show for a moment) and you use the app to see if something like the CPU or GPU is maxing out and then you can go from there.
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