03-22-2023 04:29 PM
I found out how to setup phone notifications a little while ago and tried to set it up. When I got to the page where it says stuff about setting it up, I press continue and it shows a loading wheel but it never loads. It eventually kicks me out of the screen to the phone notifications settings tab. I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting and that doesn’t work. I’ve tried multiple days and it’s never worked. Idk what to do, I’ve asked my friends and looked at videos, I couldn’t figure it out.
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-23-2023 10:01 PM
I Still just get the spinning wheel. Terrible app
11-23-2023 11:20 PM
I have iPhone 12, it was working very well on Quest 3 few months ago, when I bought Quest 3, that app on mobile had probably some update, because now it doesn't work anymore.
11-26-2023 10:44 AM
Hey everyone!! Just checking in to see if this is still an issue for you. I was passing through the forums and saw this being brought up a few times and wanted to check if I can help if needed!
11-28-2023 10:51 PM
Still an issue for me, when I go to the app on my iPhone the phone notification wheel just spins forever.
11-29-2023 06:10 PM
Hey @Firemedic1401, that's not the kind of experience we want you to have. We want you to get the most out of VR. We're happy to see what we can do. Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
11-29-2023 07:23 PM
I'm having the same problem what fixed it?
11-30-2023 05:39 AM
They are deleting messages here. Support will not help, we need to wait for update and fix. In few months they never helped with this problem no one in support messages.
11-30-2023 11:51 AM - edited 11-30-2023 12:19 PM
[NOT A SOLUTION] - Just marking to make the visibility of everyone easier.
Hey everyone! I noticed this thread starting to bubble up, so I wanted to get this over to our engineering and product team for their deeper dive into everything.
Just to make sure I have the right information, can everyone please answer the following:
11-30-2023 12:04 PM - edited 11-30-2023 02:03 PM
1: Quest 3 (works fine on my Quest 2, i have both)
2: v:
3: iOS v 17.1.1
4: Meta Quest app v
5: PTC: yes
6: no workaround
7: on phone, delete Quest App and reinstall. on Quest, reset to factory
11-30-2023 12:20 PM
Thanks so much! Just edited my post but it looks like I had also forgotten to add in which headset everyone's experiencing this with. 😅
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