07-11-2016 07:51 AM
01-16-2021 02:30 PM
mr2daj said:
@cybereality How long do i have to wait? It is now 11 days. You said i could pm you and you would try to help but i have had no response from that either.
I just dont know what to do anymore....
01-21-2021 04:06 PM
02-02-2021 11:21 PM
02-05-2021 03:39 AM
03-15-2021 02:48 AM
If long response times aren't abnormal, why hasnt Oculus recruited more people or recruited people faster for what is clearly a long running problem.
It appears that on going terrible service is acceptable in Oculus's eyes. What a terrible message to be giving out if you want people to buy your product. If this is the case we as a community of people should start spreading the word here and across all the other communities we use.
03-15-2021 08:35 AM
I have 2 broken devices. The first was posted back to them and they received it at the beginning of March. After going through the process of getting them to recognise that they received it they scheduled a replacement to be produced for April 7th. Getting that info from them has been extremely difficult. The other device is sitting here waiting for them to generate a mailing envelope (its been 2 weeks).
I have asked them for the UK address for receiving correspondance (twice). They still haven't provided it, but have assured me that it was directed to the correct team (would not tell me who). I suspect it's probably Facebook in London, but I'd prefer they acknowledged it.
I don't know if they are intentionally bad at this, but it doesn't really matter. They are horrible. Their support system is designed to frustrate and then ignore their customer.
03-15-2021 08:36 AM
Good luck finding an address.
03-29-2021 12:58 AM
@puppet63 the games you were looking at like project cars and dirt rally and many others are all pcvr games for the rift. you need to make sure your looking on the app store for the quest
03-29-2021 01:23 AM
Guys, just get into the discord, there are a lot people willing to help... not wanna advertise, but I feel your pain, was lost with my issue for days, after I started to investigate and troubleshoot...
Discord: https://discord.gg/mXapKtsj
12-17-2021 10:17 AM
we need to sue this company for breech of consumer contract. Discontinuing a hardware that supports the software we invested in... if you had a rift S you CANNOT USE A QUEST OR QUEST 2 TO PLAY YOUR TITLES. SO WHEN YOUR CABLE DIES LIKE MINE DID YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET ANYTHING OUT OF YOUR OCULUS ACCOUNTS.
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