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Please check out Meta Turkey, they may be collecting people's information and selling it to others.

Honored Guest

I contacted meta support on Facebook because there was a problem with my followers. I reported the problem with a video and a photo. Then they asked me for the same in English. Everything was fine up to this point. Then another e-mail came. And they asked me for the brand and model of my phone and to document the current version of Instagram. This made me think a little. Why did they ask me for this? My problem was about my Facebook followers. People said that they could not follow me on Facebook and when they clicked on the follow button, the follow option came again. This is completely related to Facebook. So what does the brand and model of my phone have to do with it? What does the latest version of Instagram have to do with it? Please check the Meta Turkey team. They told me that the solution team wanted this information. There is such a situation. First, I was emailing with Aylin. Later, when I received an e-mail asking me to document the brand and model of my phone and the latest version of Instagram, I said why are these necessary and they have nothing to do with my problem, and then I waited a day and received an e-mail from a person named Barış. There is really something strange here. There has been a lot of fraud in Turkey lately. Please review the Meta Türkiye team.


Honored Guest

Then this person called Barış sent me an email saying, "Do you know better than our team?" They might have asked to check if the problem was caused by the device. It's a joke. I've sent them videos from both my phone and computer before. And other people told me the same thing. We can't follow you, the follow button doesn't work. I think they think they're very smart and other people are stupid. There's really something weird about this.

Expert Consultant

Metas whole business is collecting and selling data. That said, I can't imagine they do it on a one-to-one basis, even if it's a chatbot collecting the information.

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