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Please sync the center of the "playing area" when using Oculus Link

Oculus Link is a nice feature. 

But something is struggling me over and over.

I'm using mostly stationary guardians.

When I start Oculus link or when the headset did go to sleep after taking it off and waking it up again, the center (and also view direction and current floor "position") of the playing area in the Oculus App and SteamVR is set relative the current headset position (and view direction) and not to the center of the Quest guardian.

In SteamVr Home it is very visible, as the cricles on the floor are always in a different way out of sync to each other.

Within Beat Saber for example I'm mostly hitting into some walls of the Quest Guardians, as the center of the game is different to the center of the Quest guardian.

To show what I mean: I did some testing setup for LIV this evening. All was fine. Then I took off the headset for some minutes. It went to sleep. I took up all again and after the Quest woke up, the center of the playing area within the game was on a different "real world" spot than before and so the controllers were not mapped to the right positions anylonger:


On top of that it would be also a nice thing to be able to setup (maybe additional) a standard view direction for guardians.
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