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Poor performance in "The Climb" - EVGA 980 TI HYBRID - Low GPU & CPU Usage


Just wondering if anyone has experienced similar problems with the 980 TI?

When running The Climb, just looking around standing on the first ledge my frame rate fluctuates wildly between 50-90. All the time this is happening my CPU & GPU usage never really goes above 50/60%. I have been advised that this could be thermal throttling or interference from another program running on my system, but I can't seem to get any further on diagnosing the problem, I've tried all I can think of.

Here's a typical example of my performance on The Climb :

As you can see, CPU & GPU are low, FPS all over the place, and temperatures top out at ~40c.

Anyone managed to overcome a similar situation?


I will, delivery got delayed due to the holiday. It's currently scheduled for Tuesday(7/12).
On a side note have you played the witcher 3? It's literally the only other game I'm getting low gpu usage in, but only in cities. Can barley break 30 fps using the same settings my old i7 875k and GTX 680 used which averaged 40-45fps in cities. Once I get away from large groups of NPC's it pegs to 100% usage. NPC's being cpu bound I wonder if that is the case. I'll check my cpu power draw in those scenerios tonight. Also what's your RAM specs and config?

Honored Guest
I haven't played Witcher3 but that is really weird / maybe good it's happening in two places since we can eliminate some variables.  I first noticed weird FPS drops in Lucky's tale myself. I feel like Overwatch also drops much lower than it should at times.  Lucky's Tale would hum around 90 FPS and then just randomly drop to 0 for a split second.  Happens in the library select screen as well.  You can watch it with the oculus debug tool.

Bit of a frustrating but exiting update. I swapped out my motherboard and I still had the issue.  With pretty much everything eliminated I just went for a desperation reinstallation of Windows10 on a blank laptop hard drive I had laying around.  I downloaded the latest nVidia driver (368.69), Dropbox and Chrome and then went straight for  Got the rift setup, installed the climb, and... IT WORKS LIKE IT SHOULD.  I have no idea why or what is going on and I'm a little upset I didn't try a Windows reinstall, but I'm glad it works.  I did notice that during the Climb install it needed supporting libraries: MS Net Framework 4.5.1 Setup (32 bit), Direct X (32 bit), maybe some others?.  Maybe they were just hosed up?  I'm going to swap hard drives after I beat a few levels and see if that fixes it.

Well, now I have a perfectly good i5-6600k and MSI M7 motherboard I'm not sure what to do with.  Doubt the RAM mattered but since you asked: My ram is 16G in 2x 8G sticks.  In my new motherboard I put the RAM in the slots the manual recommended, A2 and B2.  




HTH and I'll let you know if reinstalling any of the libraries fixes it too.

Ok to give an update. I replaced psu, no go, shiny new 1070 FE, no go. Do to work which I use this PC for I could reformat until work died down(still hasn't). So today I tried to fix the witcher 3, figured that out. Was a change to the garbage collection system in patch 1.21, luckily they left the old method in place that could be manually enabled. Run amazing now, but that inspired me to mess with the climb again and upon launching it before doing anything it ran great! Did absolutely nothing, only difference since last launching it is Windows 10 1607 update from last night. 
So it's fix and I'm happy :). Hopefully the original op has similar luck. 

So this morning I went to demo the climb to a friend and the low fps problem had started up again. Loaded up witcher 3, same issue as before.
But this time it was within a day of both working properly. 
The one thing I had done in between was play battlefield 4 which I get microstuttering in always have. Hpet timer always clears it up.
to fix the issue run CMD prompt as admin.
bcdedit /set useplatformclock no

thats it, all this damn time that one setting. So for the op if your still having issues try that out. 

has anyone figured this out i have the same problem low gpu usage frames dont want to go much over 60 fps  i5 2500k at 4.3 gig with gtx1080ti . the gpu usage is so low it did not even ramp up the boost clocks until i cranked the sampling in game to 2.0 reads as 1.4 in tray tool

I got a 2600k @ 4.8, and a OC'ed 1080TI. Some maps are fine, but I get framerate dips here and here - especially on the "North" map. Really disappointing :cry:
PCVR: CV1 || 4 sensors || TPcast wireless adapter || MamutVR Gun stock V3
PSVR: PS4 Pro || Move Controllers || Aim controller
WMR: HP Reverb

Just a badly optimised game
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Im having a similar problem. Had no issues and suddenly one day I get poor video performance across the board. Upgraded video card and power supply, tried every single thing I could think of or read about. At this point Im thinking its the cpu/heat/age issue thats throttling everything but there are people with better newer cpus than mine who report the same thing so...

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