3 weeks ago
I received a Meta Quest 3s for Christmas and have enjoyed it greatly! However, it has come time to change the batteries in the controllers and I cannot get the right controller to connect at all with a different battery, while the left controller is still working perfectly with the new battery. I have tried doing several things to troubleshoot this issue and still cannot get the controller to even recognize that there is a battery inside of it at all, which is concerning given how easily I got the left controller set up after the initial battery died.
3 weeks ago
@PridefulData maybe this may be the cause of your issue -
3 weeks ago
Hello, thanks for the swift reply! However this didn't work for me either. Is there any way I can send the controller somewhere to have it repaired or order a replacement? I have only owned this hardware for less than a month so I'm hoping that Meta can resolve this for me somehow as I was seemingly sent a controller that doesn't fully work.
3 weeks ago
@PridefulData if it's brand new, you should be able to return it to the original vendor under their warranty. If you bought it from meta then get in contact with support to get it RMA'd.
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