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Pressing down on right analog stick not working

Honored Guest

I can hear the physical click sound, however the quest 2 does not detect when I press the right analog stick.

I checked by holding down the right analog stick in the home screen, it is unable to select anything. Meanwhile the left analog stick is able to do so just fine. Movement with the right analog stick works fine.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Ken_have_fun, we see you have some questions regarding the controllers. We have just the information to provide you on this! Below are the different button functionalities:

  • Thumbsticks navigate your virtual environment.
  • Trigger (on the front of the controller) select objects in your environment.
  • and select objects in your environment.
  • and return you to the previous screen or menu.
  • brings up the universal menu. You can also press and hold to re-center your headset view.
  • Grip button (on the side of the controller) grabs objects or makes a fist when using your virtual hands.
  • brings up the menu inside apps and experiences.
  • You can press any button to wake the controllers after you turn on your headset.

Note: Individual apps may include their own tutorials for how to use the buttons on your Touch controllers.

As listed, the joysticks are mainly used to move around with, if any action can come from pressing them, it'll likely be in-game, or to wake up the controller. We hope this information was useful, if you have anymore concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Actually what I mean is that my thumbstick is broken and does not register pressing down on it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Joystick issues can definitely be bothersome @Ken_have_fun, but we'll be sure to have a solution for you! Please make sure to power-cycle your headset and re-install the mobile application, if the issue continues please follow the steps below. Typically, resetting the deadzone assists with thumbstick issues from time to time.

Please try the following:

  • Remove the batteries for a minute before attempting to use them again
  • Adjust joystick deadzone until the drift is no longer an issue/noticeable 
    1. Go to Settings
    2. Go to Controller Settings
    3. Under Joystick Deadzone and Range, select the joystick which is having issue
    4. Follow on-screen instructions to recalibrate the joysticks deadzones
  • When powering on your controllers, ensure that the Analog sticks aren't being held in any direction and are at rest in the neutral position

If you continue to have these issues after, we may need to look into further possibilities and troubleshooting. Please Submit a Ticket with us and we'll be able to assist further within that platform!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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