03-31-2024 05:00 PM
About a month ago, I and several other players of GOLF+ began experiencing the same issue: our club would randomly swing out of nowhere, or snap away from our hand, or just disappear and maybe or maybe not return. All of us are using a Quest 3 with a Pro Controller and this would happen at random times. It also happens in every other game so it seems to be the same hardware issue that we experienced a month or so ago when this behavior commenced. A controller update a few weeks ago seemed to have fixed those problems mostly, but they are back now. This issue was happening on my Right Controller Only. I have a second right controller and when I paired and used that, it behaved just like the first Pro controller.
Three days ago, I received messages from this group of GOLF+ folks that went through this last month, reporting that they were again having issues with the controller jumping and swinging on its own and negatively affecting gameplay. I did not have this problem but noticed over the past 3 days, when i fire up my headset, I get a message that my Pro controllers were being updated. The progress window would come up but I'd never see a progress % appear and within a few seconds, the message went away and I was able to use the controllers.
Today I had the same update screen but no update was applied that I could tell, but right after, I began having this issue with the Right controller again.
I switched back to using a Q3 controller and played 2 rounds of golf with no issues so this clearly is an issue with the Pro controllers, and in my case the Right one. Not sure if anyone is experiencing problems with the left one.
Please fix this. It really hurts to play when these expensive controllers are not working as they should. I have videos from myself and 3 other players showing the clubs swinging themselves in the game but there's no video allowed here. Thanks!
04-03-2024 02:00 PM
Hey there, @cvan65, and thank you for bringing this concern to our attention. We know any interruptions while playing are not ideal, so we'd be happy to look further into your device. While you have already completed great steps to get running smoothly, we would also like to factory reset the controller to make sure all updates have been applied.
To do so, let's complete the following steps:
Once the controller comes back up, do continue to test how things appear within your headset. Of course, if any issues persist, do let us know, and we'd also like to have a bug report submitted for our engineers.
04-03-2024 02:02 PM
For the right controller, please use the following steps:
04-04-2024 03:44 PM
Hey there, @cvan65. We just wanted to swing by to see if any further assistance was needed regarding your controller. If so, do let us know! We'd love to continue working with you!
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