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Problem playing Gun Raiders or is it the quest2 with the problem


A problem started several plays ago that I would be in the middle of playing a session and suddenly it would glitch out of the game into the setup boundary screen (which did not work at that point either) I would have to restart the quest. Other times while playing, if I picked any gun to use it would get harder and harder to grasp a new one after respawn or it would become invisible. and unusable as it couldn't be reloaded either. I could sort of get past that by choosing a different gun and the re-choosing the gun I actually wanted. My last game earlier today had both the glitching gun issue and the kicking me out to redraw boundary again. I got fed up and quit the game.😡

This game works well for about 30 minutes before it starts glitching eventually becoming unplayable.

I've factory reset the Quest 2 in hopes that would work but still glitchy. I have tons of memory left so that's no issue

Any ideas? anyone?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello gary.stapelton.9. Thanks for reach out to us. We're sadden to hear that your having a difficult time playing Gun Raider due to it glitching out. Thanks for letting us know what troubleshooting steps you're already done. That really helps us to rule out possible causes. We're gonna do our best to get you back to shooting enemies along side your friends as quickly as possible.  


The next thing we can try is changing the lighting. Here are few things to consider:


  • Is the play location well lit? Turn on more lights.
  • Is the play location too bright? Adjust the intensity, or amount of light
  • Texture is also a factor with tracking. If there is not enough contrast between objects in the room, this could lead to tracking issues.
  • Try a different play area/room.

Please reach back out if the issue persists. You can PM us or contact us through our support site. Whatever is more convenient for you. We're here to help! 


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