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Problem with Daughter's Account Verification

Honored Guest

Bought my daughter a Quest 2 for christmas a few years ago and never experienced issues until a few months ago where she downloaded a skin with one of her friends in VR chat and she was not able to use VR chat anymore. (She does private lobbies with her IRL friends there). Anyways...not the issue for today, even though I had already spent over $100+ in games there was really nothing that Meta would do for me on this issue. So I just signed her up for another account linked to my personal email since hers was not working anymore. 

Fast forward to a few weeks ago I started getting emails to verify her age. I'm a professor at a university and do not have the time to deal with this issue but I have put about the same amount of money into the account that she has now as the previous one so I have put forth the effort with seemingly no hope that her account will continue to be active. 

When opening the email and following the link to "verify" her age, it asked me for either 1 - a payment method or 2 - an ID....for my 13 year old daughter??? No 13 year old in Alabama is carrying around an ID and I am not sure I'm comfortable linking my daughters bank account/debit card to this VR account plus you already have my payment method so I'm not sure how it would not already be verified. I looked in forums for help regarding this issue and see that most everyone can not find a solution with your customer support. I have a Meta account that I never use but logged in to make a family center and add her that way but the link that is given for my daughter to accept the invitation is invalid??? 

Meta...for one, I'm absolutely shocked that so many people run into this issue and you have yet to help them...for even upwards of 6 months people are still waiting for their children's accounts to be verified. You rank among one of the largest American IT companies and you STILL can't fix an issue like this. I'm going to complain and complain and complain. This VR set was a big waste of my time and I feel bad for my daughter having to go through this because it is something she really enjoys doing with her friends and you guys are ruining it. I was in the process of building her a new PC but I guess I'll fast track that and throw the VR in the garbage. 

Thanks for your awful customer support META!! 


Honored Guest

I think I’d kill then if I could find them. Same problem for my son. 

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