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Problem with my support ticket

Honored Guest

I've had a problem since February and have been emailing tech support back and forth since then.  They keep telling me to try the same things that don't work over and over.  They have repeatedly given me solutions for other Oculus products that don't work with Rift.  (30 page PDF of the email thread to date(8/14) can be seen here:


I don't want to sound like a Karen, but can I speak to a manager?




Your patience is extraordinary! I submitted a ticket on 8/9 for the "3 dots of death" and when I chatted with support on 8/13 they said they never got the submission despite the acknowledgement by the submission page. Then they put me through all the troubleshooting steps which I've done several times including the reinstall. Still nothing. I think they hope Rift S users will just go away like their product.




In Facebook (in your PC web browser, not the phone app), click on the chevron icon in the top right of the window (next to the notifications icon). In the drop-down, choose "Settings & privacy" then "Settings". You should now see a Settings panel down the left side of the screen.


Click on "Apps and websites" in the left panel (it's about 14th down the settings list). About half way down the centre of the screen, under "Preferences", make sure that "Apps, websites and games" is set to on (it will show a rectangular button with "Turn Off" if the option is actually ON. You can leave the "Game app notifcations" setting alone (mine is off).


The other thing you could try is to make a new Windows 10 administrator user account, log in using that account, re-install Oculus and see if that fixes the Home issue.


Yeah so far my support experience has been generally unhelpful as well. I also don't comprehend where the hell they are getting their information, are they actually reviewing these logs or are their "logs" wildly inaccurate and they are full of it and making it up?

I submitted a ticket, same canned response of all the troubleshooting I'd already tried. Tried it all again, still didn't work, told them that, then I get that "Oh your PC doesn't meet the minimum requirements" and your "GPU isn't detected by your system"


You actually serious right now? For one it's well above the minimum requirements, and for two if my "GPU isn't detected by my system" THEN HOW THE HELL DOES IT SHOW IN MY DXDIAG AND HOW AM I PLAYING OTHER GAMES RIGHT NOW?


I get it, you're abandoning the rift s, but good lord, give me a break.


I started my ticket on chat last Thursday  and I just sent my headset and cable back on RMA. I think the use of chat was instrumental because things would get resolved in near real-time and any time they tried to have me do something twice or said something that was untrue about my system (such as I have two monitors according to their log collection - which I don't) I could immediately and politely push back and we could agree to move on. It was also helpful to run a utility such as usbtreeview to get specific info on all the host controllers and any devices connected, what their current draw was and if they were actually seen as a USB 3.0 device. Mine was seen as USB 2.1 on all three USB 3.0 host controllers I have. Also getting a chipset utility, in my case Intel, to scan for drivers was very useful. I know this isn't your issue PeterSosna but just pointing out a long chat session might get things moving.

It might help to give more than they are asking for as well. Beyond me why they don't ask for a DXDIAG given how wildly inaccurate whatever else they are looking at sounds like it is. If you give one of those at least they'll have more idea.

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