3 weeks ago
Solved! Go to Solution.
3 weeks ago
@er_Paco wrote:
I had already thought about that possibility but what I find strange is that it had worked without any problems before, and now all of a sudden the meta quest link that I had installed has been deleted.
Programs are getting updates.
I think, it was deleted because either the Meta-Link app received an update and now looks like a virus/malware to your antivirus-program or your PANDASECURITY received an update and detects more/other programs as a virus.
Whatever happened, you can add it as exception...... it won't kill your pc😁
3 weeks ago
Hi @er_Paco 🙂
Sometimes antivirus programs mistakenly identify a program as a virus.
I don't know PANDASECURITY, but somewhere in the settings there should be something like "add exception". You must add the Meta Quest link app here.
The app is probably not deleted from your computer, but moved to an antivirus container and can be restored if you make this program as an exception.
3 weeks ago
Hi, thanks for replying.
I had already thought about that possibility but what I find strange is that it had worked without any problems before, and now all of a sudden the meta quest link that I had installed has been deleted.
Before allowing the installation of oculusSetup I would like to make sure but after running the antivirus several times it doesn't tell me anything strange other than that.
3 weeks ago
@er_Paco wrote:
I had already thought about that possibility but what I find strange is that it had worked without any problems before, and now all of a sudden the meta quest link that I had installed has been deleted.
Programs are getting updates.
I think, it was deleted because either the Meta-Link app received an update and now looks like a virus/malware to your antivirus-program or your PANDASECURITY received an update and detects more/other programs as a virus.
Whatever happened, you can add it as exception...... it won't kill your pc😁
3 weeks ago
Ok. I thought that file had been infected but from my PC. Thank you very much for your help, if you ever come to Spain contact me and I'll buy you some beers!!! Regards
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