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Problems leading to another ones

Honored Guest

Hello, so I have a Quest 2 that has a problem with PC Link, it only detects USB 2.0 in some cases, i've tried with 5 different link cables, two other PC's and same problems. I browsed entire internet, tried ChatGPT for solutions and i'm trying to troubleshoot the problem for weeks. Tried reinstalling windows, update bios, different ports, hubs, different link cables, factory reset quest, different options in quest and it seems it's only working in USB 2.0. Some cables that i tried to use like link one and KIWI one only works when putting it in a port usb 2.0 in my pc, if i connect it to a USB 3.0+ computer will not recognise it anymore. Tried to contact Meta Support trough support page and asked for Quest serial number and apparently they cant find my product and says the product ID is invalid, tried another support page and says it doesent find any device linked to my account however the device is linked, connected it trough phone and also on headset itself ( connected to internet ). Any ideeas/help?

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