12-29-2024 02:40 PM
I dusted off my old Oculus Quest and wanted to get back into VR gaming. However, I apparently cannot transfer my Oculus account to a Meta account. When I use the headset I am shown an 8-digit code, which I should use to add the device to my Meta account. This does not work, as I get the error, that the Meta Account is not the original one to which the device was linked/registered (i.e., my Oculus account). Loging in via the browser window within the quest also does not work.
I read the Forums and some reddit posts, and apparently that is a common problem. However, I was yet unable to identify a solution. While I read the email from July 2022, that a Meta Account will be required to continue using the Quest, the mail did not indicate that the merge should be performed by any specific deadline.
In case I missed anything, any help is highly appreciated, as the Meta Account registered to the same email adress is now entirely empty of all my previous purchases and I also can progress in the Quest VR interface.
12-30-2024 03:11 AM
Hi @jan_bruening 🙂
I'm afraid your old account(with all purchases on it) is lost. People got emails in February as a last reminder to migrate their accounts until March 29th, otherwise this accounts will be deleted.
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Check out some popular posts here:
Getting Help from the Meta Quest Community
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