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Problems with adding payment option and customer service help.

Honored Guest

Difficult Customer service

Im on e-mail number 27 now on the ongoing customer support case. same issue case before was about 20 emails in but was closed before I could have it sorted.
My issue is that the meta store wont take my debit card anymore. I had no problems with it when I owned a quest 2 and then I upgraded to quest 3 and I have not been able to buy anything for it the last 2 months.

I am now only receiving the pre-made text emails about them looking into it for the last month.

I upgraded from quest 2 to quest 3 and since that my debit card wont work in the quest store.

It used to work fine before and I was at somepoint told that my card was blocklisted for some reason they have denied to tell me. I even had to send them documentation that the card belonged to me, I did all this and still it no fix. And as I have told them my card works anywhere else (steam, epic games, all websites) and I talked to my bank, there is no problem on their side. So after all of this they are now just ignoring my e-mails and sending me the copy/paste we are looking into it. So frustrating.

So here I am with my new quest 3 but I cant actually get games for it! Great! I missed the holiday season sale and I am missing the quest+ games of this month again it looks like! I believe they should have offered me some sort of compensation for this, but that is obviously not happening as they have ignored that question and also refuse to tell me why my card at some point was blocklisted with Meta

Anyone else had a similar problem?

Ps: I would like to add that the initial customer service agents were friendly and professional and had decent replys. just know it seems like no Agents want to touch my case and they just send me the same response: They are looking into it! for over a month now!

Best regards,

Frustrated and gameless quest 3 owner!

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