03-19-2022 11:03 PM
I have an Oculus Quest 2 and the proximity sensor stopped working. At first I put white paper tapped over it. It worked for 2 days then stopped. I've tried factory reset. When I start it up, I see the oculus logo light up when wearing the headset but then I get a blank screen. It will not cast and I cannot connect it to Sidequest since the headset has a blank screen and I can't accept the prompt on the headset to allow it to connect to the USB on my mobile device. Again the headset boots up, I see the Oculus logo, as if it's starting normally. But then I only get a blank screen. Nothing has helped. Not tape, not putting in fridge to cool down, not leaving it overnight, not factory reset, and will not connect to USB since I get no prompt screen on the headset. Any suggestions?
03-20-2022 01:52 PM
Hi there! We appreciate you laying out your issue and what all you've done to try and resolve it. We know how annoying it can be when we do everything we can to get something to work with no results to show for it. In order for us to assist you best, we would appreciate it if you would submit a support ticket to our team. One of our agents will be happy to look into your options and determine where we go from here.
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