06-29-2021 08:04 AM
GraphQL server responded with error 1353049: Sorry, your payment failed. Please update or change your payment method.
I keep getting this error whenever I try to buy "Onward" (dunno if it's for all titles) on the store, it worked just fine yesterday.
Things I tried:
- Restarting oculus
- Deleting and adding the payment option
- Tried both paypal and card
- Tried in quest 2, browser and mobile app
- Checked if I have correct payment options
- Checked if I have enough balance
Any ideas to solve this? "Same" won't solve the problem, so if you don't have any ideas/fix then don't reply at all.
07-03-2021 01:10 AM
I'm having exact same issue... did it get resolved at your end?
07-03-2021 10:47 AM
I fixed it by buying with PayPal instead of with a card. Idk why but that worked for me!
07-04-2021 12:04 PM - edited 07-04-2021 12:10 PM
I've had a similar issue since May 19th. They closed the first ticket abruptly. The second I haven't heard back from since June 2nd. I even connected via Linked in to half a dozen folks in development and support. All either did not respond or said "not my job." No one provided a referal.
Given this I think the best solution is to sideload Steam. You basically can buy everything you can on the oculus. Of course this means you need to find a powerful enough laptop or computer and use VR Desktop or airlink to connect. However, it is a viable workaround. Here's a video on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoIXxIfRNTw
Here is a post last year related to your same problem - https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Support/GraphQL-server-responded-with-error-2078011/td-p/836109 I don't think Facebook's support is actually viable. Otherwise they'd have published work around and bug fixes on problems with purchasing. I mean what is the point of heavily discounting hardware to recoup in software if a large chunk of the customer base cannot buy stuff at your store. Also, how effective is a marketing beachhead via cheap hardware if customer experience of your headset is as a paperweight because they cannot buy any apps. Lol. Hopefully they figure out this is an idiotic business model at some point.
10-23-2021 11:16 AM
I am having same issue. I recently purchased a Quest 2 and cannot purchase any of the games. I keep getting an error saying "account issues". I have entered several credit cards, tried using my Paypal account. This has become a useless paper weight. Why would a company who relies on users purchasing the games not fix this problem? The easiest thing to do should be to make purchases. If support cannot help me soon I am going to have to return this thing.
10-24-2021 07:03 AM
Hey SleepyGuri,
Thank you so much for letting us know about your payment issues.
We understand the ability to purchase content is a key factor for experiencing all of the things VR has to offer.
There are many things we can assist with in community forums, but in matters such as these we need more information that we can't acquire here.
We ask you come chat with us or submit a support ticket. When you do that, if you could please link this thread in the ticket as well.
We look forward to helping you out and working toward a solution together.
10-24-2021 12:27 PM
My experience is they eventually got back to me ... after 3 separate tickets, 4 supposed escalation, and almost 5 months with me posting here, Reddit, calling, chat, and emailing back on existing tickets twice a week. In the end I used my connections in Linked In to talk to the director of development to chief scientists at Oculus. Only one of the six people I reached responded with more than - "Not my job." And it wasn't anyone in support or the head of development, the folks who should take ownership or care. I believe it was this contact that reach out internally to get someone, anyone in Oculus to give a crap. In the end I talked to 40 support reps, never more than once, except the last rep who I spoke with 3 times and it was after the problem was resolved. This is litterally the worst support I have experience or seen as a customer or as a consultant in my 30 years in IT with over 50 fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and start ups. And that is by an order of magnitude. The worst bit was the prevalent use of "gas lighting" to manage the ticket. That is where they act as if you have not been trying to reach them and on several occasions got snarky about how understandably upset their customers get. "Gas lighting" is a common ploy used by narcisistic personalities to make the target (i.e. facebook customer) to question themselves and their position. Support seriously needs to be overhauled. The closest I got to acknowledgement was, "We're the biggest company in the world." First, that is not true and second that doesn't excuse being the worst support experience I've ever seen or heard of by an order of magnitude. That entire department along with development needs a serious overhaul. The issue is systemic and within a decade it will kill the company, though that might be hard to see now. But this pattern is not new (IBM, Novell, Nokia, etc) and its outcome is assured if not addressed.
10-24-2021 12:50 PM - edited 10-24-2021 12:51 PM
I forgot that I even started this discussion:
The problem solved itself. After few days of ignoring the problem and doing my own stuff I could buy normally from the store. This probably differs from person to person though.
10-25-2021 12:06 PM
Just an FYI. Oculus has fixed my payment issue in 1 business day! Pretty pleased. An AmanS at Oculus Support took my ticket and fixed the issue. Daniel.Needles - thanks for providing you detailed experience. Maybe your experience help pave the way for mine to be quickly taken care of!
10-29-2021 10:43 AM
LiquidStar1 I hope so! Glad your mileage was so much better than mine!
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