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Purchase failed. Error performing query

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Had Stormland on pre-order and received an e-mail today saying Oculus is unable to process payment:


Logged in, updated paypal option, no change - can't process payment.
Added credit card on file with same results:


Is this a temporary thing or I need to contact Support?


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I am having the exact same issue. I tried PayPal and two credit cards. The issue is definitely on Oculus' end. I purchased another game without issue 

Honored Guest
I had the same issue, so I tried canceling my
pre-order, which worked; but now, when I try to purchase the game again, I get a similar error:

GraphQL server responded with error 1675030

The error appears both in the app and the web store.

I'm getting the same issue as well. I tried re-adding my credit card but got the same result. Not much time left before the Stormland pre-order becomes just an order. 😞

Turns out this happened to me too ?

Honored Guest
I have pre-purchased Stormland and guess what? GraphQL server error.... but the payment went through and my PayPal was actually charged. Now the game has a label "Pre-Ordered" with a green check mark in the Oculus store but the game itself in my list of orders is reported as having a failed payment. I have already contacted the Support line and they are working on it. It looks like payment confirmations from PayPal are not reaching back the Oculus store.

Not applicable

STZ said:

I am having the exact same issue. I tried PayPal and two credit cards. The issue is definitely on Oculus' end. I purchased another game without issue 

Just like STZ I've tried using a credit card with no success, so not just PayPal issue as it seems. 

Submitted a Support ticket, will post here if they give me a solution. 

Got a "order processed" mail now ?

Expert Protege
I received the same error. And on the webpage profile page it says failed. Though, if I go to the store, on the App itself, it says, "pre-ordered", and on PayPal it definitely charged, as well.
I received the usual 2 emails at first (thanks for the pre-order and the PayPal one), and then like an hour later I received the email MikDawg posted.

Just finished speaking with chat support about it and got the usual, "We will investigate the issue. This might a take a few days."
To that I replied, "...the game comes out Friday, so that defeats the purpose of pre-ordering."
My main concern is that I don't want to be charged twice since PayPal shows $39.99 was charged.

But I'm glad to see it wasn't just me. I literally bought Pistol Whip 2 days ago, so it must be an issue with Stormland.

Honored Guest
Yep, me too.
I have the green tick beside the pre-order in the Oculus store, money taken from my account but my order statement says payment failed.
I'll check back later to see if there is a change.

I just got a conformation email to say that the payment has now been processed. 1 hour after purchase.
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