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Purchasing coins for a pegi 3 game for my son.

Honored Guest

My son has just downloaded yeeps hide and seek. He wants to get coins and has sent me a request. When I click on the request it sends me to the store but with a broken link. 

How can I purchase these coins for him? 

Many thanks in advance.

Rhiannon Martin-Howes

Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey @seansmama.2024,

Welcome the Meta Community Forums!
If your Son is currently using a Parent-Managed Account, unfortunately they will be unable to purchase any in-game currency or items. As part of Parent-Managed Account restrictions, you will be able to approve the purchase of games and apps however, you will not be able to approve any in-game purchases.

I hope this has been of some help for you and your Son. Have a great day!

Moderator 2 Electric Boogaloo

This isn't helpful at all. Why does the app offer my son the ability to request the coins if there is no way for me to approve them? This makes no sense. 

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