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Q2, QLink, AMD Radeon and black Room with large Window

Honored Guest
Hi there

for Christmas, I've bought a Q2 and have it connected with a fasgear USB C cable. Installation via Oculus App on my PC (AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, 16GB RAM and NITRO 5700XT - definitely VR ready) went fine. When activating Link I successfully switch from the Q2 Room into the Rift Store. I see my Apps and everything. After a while (smth between seconds and minutes) my controllers getting disconnected. I'm standing in a dark room with my guardian border visible and a big window into the last thing I did on the screen. The borders of the window are flickering a little bit. 

Since the cable is working (bandwidth check from oculus app was green) I assume it must be related to my graphic card. 
What I tried so far is installing 20.11 and 20.10 driver from AMD.
Does anyone else have this issue? 

Thank you for helping me. 


Honored Guest
I had to roll my amd software back to 20.9.1 (Sept20,2020) for my link to work.
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