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Quest 1 running at 36hz

When I play beat saber with oculus link, at the start of the level it runs at 36hz. And I have to pause the game for about 5 seconds at the start of every level just to play a map.


When I play beat saber with oculus link, at the start of the level it runs at 36hz. And I have to pause the game for about 5 seconds at the start of every level just to play a map.

so oculus link is using your host computer to run vr.  A few things to check:

-Render scale
-any background apps running that are not needed
-you might not have enough system to adequately enjoy link
-you could turn some in game settings down that may impact performance

-Render scale = Haven't tried that yet, will do.
-any background apps running that are not needed = Already checked, I don't have anything else running other than discord and steam
-you might not have enough system to adequately enjoy link = I use a GTX 1070, AMD Ryzen 3600x. Please tell me if this is good or not.
-you could turn some in game settings down that may impact performance = I already have my in-game settings all the way down.

the gtx 1070 for beat saber is a terrible purchase, since the quest will render near 4k resolution and the encoding at that resolution


alright thanks
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