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Quest 2 Elite battery strap snapped

Honored Guest

My quest 2 has been sitting in its case on a shelf for months because I’ve not had time to use it. But I went to open it for the first time in a while, and I saw that both plastic arms of the elite battery strap had snapped vertically just behind where it attaches to the headset. I tried super glueing the snapped ends together, but I noticed there are other cracks on the plastic. Super glue did not work, it snapped whilst re-attaching the strap to the headset.



Is there anyway to get this replaced out of warranty, given that the strap failed with no apparent cause?

I’m in the UK and I got the quest 2 prior to 2021 but can’t say exactly when, and the strap was during 2021. If that helps.

edit: I still have the packaging for the elite strap, and it shows oculus branding and an MFG date of October 2020 (manufacturing date?)


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