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Quest 2 Headset tracking lost

If the headset has been sitting powered down for a few hours and then turned on it works for a short time. Played a round on beat saber with no issues. Then all of a sudden the screen goes black and a message saying headset tracking lost and the controllers both vibrate every 10 seconds or so. The issue just started a few days ago. It is on the latest software version. I did a factory reset and it wouldn't pair the controllers. Left it sitting for 3 hours and then tried it again and I was able to pair the controllers, set up the wifi and go through the tutorial before the message popped up again. I've read some post of others with the same or very similar issues but have not been able to find a solution that works for me. The headset isn't boot looping and does load but goes right into the error screen. Once the error pops up the controllers vibrate and won't work. There is also a white light on both controllers that blinks with each vibration approx every 10 seconds and a white light that blinks on the front top of the headset at the same time. Is there any way to get it working again? I added a screenshot of the error but it's a tad blurry. The error says continue without tracking or turn on travel mode. The controllers are acting up and there is no way to make a selection. 





Here's a bigger picture of the error I'm getting. Searching the error, other people are getting a similar one but it has a continue button that sends you back into the main screen where you can access the settings. Mine cannot do that as i can't get past this error and the controllers are doing a short buzz (vibration) like every 10 seconds and a white light on top of the controller ring that blinks with each buzz. During this time the controllers no longer work.




I'm having the exact same issue. I'm about to call support, so if I get a solution I'll post it here and on any other duplicate posts I find.

Yes please, that would be great


@CosmicMeerkat5770  @teammungur  I think this may be your issue. Please read the full thread for any tips and get in contact with support if you think this applies to you.

Solved: 4 headset replacements in 4 months

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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