06-16-2023 01:52 AM - edited 06-16-2023 02:09 AM
Is anyone else having issues?
I did an update a few days ago and now I'm seeing a multitude of issues. I've noticed the game I play, Echo VR, is a bit more laggy when running.
I'm also having issues with the controllers. Lots of time on startup, one of the controllers is in the wrong position relative to real life, I have to restart the heads set to try and get it to sort itself out. I've also had a controller sometimes get stuck in the same position but it can rotate and pitch still but not move.
EDIT: And forgot to mention before the controllers stopped responding, Echo VR kept crashing on start up.
Just now I had a controller issue on start up, so I tried restarting the head set, and now my controllers haven't come back on after the restart, so I just gave up and here I am now complaining about it on a forum post instead.
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-16-2023 04:57 PM - edited 06-20-2023 12:53 PM
Hey! So you're aware, the engineering team has seen a few reports of issues with the pro controllers. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we'll be looking forward to providing you with an update as soon as possible!
EDIT: The team has let me know that updating to v55 should help with the issues. If you continue struggling with your controllers, send a PM to the support team @MetaQuestSupport!
06-16-2023 05:37 AM
Update: Echo VR crashing was because for some reason it was asking me to pair my device, this seems to happen every now and again, don't know why, kinda annoying, other issues with controllers still happen every now and again.
06-16-2023 04:57 PM - edited 06-20-2023 12:53 PM
Hey! So you're aware, the engineering team has seen a few reports of issues with the pro controllers. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we'll be looking forward to providing you with an update as soon as possible!
EDIT: The team has let me know that updating to v55 should help with the issues. If you continue struggling with your controllers, send a PM to the support team @MetaQuestSupport!
06-16-2023 06:04 PM
> Did the controllers pair and work correctly initially?
> How long did the controllers work correctly before they lost connection?
> Did a restart fix the problem at any time?
Not always
> Do you know if you are using 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Wi-Fi?
> Does changing between 2.4 GHz or 5GHz Wi-Fi affect your connection?
Don’t know
> Do you know if your Wi-Fi router is configured for WPA2/WPA3 or just WPA2 only?
No idea
> Can we ask for your Wi-Fi make and model?
Netgear something
> Can we ask which country you are located?
> Does the controller work if you temporarily turn off your home Wi-Fi router? Or does the controller work if you power on the headset at a place that is far from your router so that the headset cannot connect to the Wi-Fi router that you use?
No idea
06-16-2023 06:18 PM
Howdy! We appreciate you sharing those details, so that we can continue looking into this controller issue. We'd hate for you to miss out on the wonderful world of VR! In order for us to look into this further, please select our name to get to our profile page, then click "Send a Message" to privately message us. We look forward to getting t the bottom of this with you!
06-17-2023 02:09 AM
As this is a problem that more users have, please let also other users know and share the solution publicly. Thank you
06-17-2023 07:30 PM
Sorry I don't have the will power to message you privately.
Come August 1st I'm leaving VR anyway.
I also dwell on Facebook ads I have no intention of ever purchasing, just as my own personal little boycott of Meta products.
06-18-2023 07:33 AM
Hello there! We're following up to check if you still require support with your controllers not responding properly. Please let us know, and we'll be happy to continue assisting you. In addition, we'd like you to unpair and pair the controllers, we'll leave the steps below for you to try.
Please let us know how it goes so we can determine our next step.
06-18-2023 10:45 PM
I tried about 15 times. That won't help...
06-18-2023 10:53 PM
In the same boat, Q2 + Pro controllers. Issue somewhat fixed with v55.
Not perfect but OK. Try updating firmware to v55, it appear to push controller update as well
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