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Quest 2 - Proximity sensor stuck in "off" condition.


Currently running v71, but in a previous version, there was a setting to turn off the proximity sensor so the headset didn't wake when you put it on.

In v71, this setting has either been moved or removed and I'm struggling to re-enable the sensor.

The setting is persistent as rebooting the headset won't clear it.

Any help appreciated


Accepted Solutions


Thanks, ended up finding that the kids had jammed something in the sensor opening (doh!)

View solution in original post


Expert Trustee

@SciFi_Steve_69  you could factory reset the headset to give you the default sensor on setting again or less drastically, use the meta quest developer hub to change the proximity sensor setting.

Meta Quest Developer Hub | Meta Horizon OS Developers

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR


Thanks, ended up finding that the kids had jammed something in the sensor opening (doh!)

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