12-20-2022 12:16 AM
So I have a RTX 3060ti and A I5-11400f, WITH 32GB of RAM, which should be VR ready right? Well whenever I launch a game, it starts like normal, but then after like a few minutes or so, the game crashes, freezes the whole pc, and restarts. It goes normal, then when it stops, the game freezes with it being dark, still showing some of the game, and then shuts off and boots up again. Sometimes there's no Blue Screens, it just shuts down and restarts. The errors from the blue screen of deaths I got are shown here.
nvlddmkm.sys failed.
It is just terrible to go though finding a solution for 3 days and nothing ever worked. Debug tool. Uninstall Oculus and reinstalling it, factory reset the whole PC, restarting everything, install the NVIDIA drivers, up to date and everything, its just the same thing. I just want to play Oculus Link without any problems or crashes.
12-20-2022 10:43 AM
Hey there @KaloFox, we see that you're experiencing issues with PCVR. We understand how this can be inconvenient this must be, but we'll help you out as much as we can. We encourage you to reach out to Meta Store Support as they are better equipped for these types of problems. They have an amazing team that can provide support via live chat, emails, or a call-back. We also will want you to provide logs, as we don't have the necessary tools to utilize them.
To acquire your logs, please do the following:
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Now, we wish you luck on this journey to get this pesky issue resolved!
12-20-2022 12:14 PM
said i couldn't upload a .zip file so i just uploaded it to mediafire.
12-20-2022 12:40 PM
Hey KaloFox, we saw you were having trouble uploading files to Mediafire. Since this is a third-party system you're utilizing, we realize how confusing this may be. We recommend contacting Mediafire's support to see if they can clarify.
12-20-2022 01:12 PM
No the files are there, its just the Oculus Forum said (The file type (.zip) is not supported.) The full file is in Mediafire where I did the scan for the Oculus PC app.
12-20-2022 01:20 PM
Hey KaloFox, thanks for getting back to me with the specifics of the circumstance. We are always eager to share our knowledge, so knowing that is helpful when working with MediaFire.
12-20-2022 01:25 PM
I don't know, I haven't opened them or anything yet. What should I do?
12-20-2022 01:33 PM
Hello, KaloFox. Since we lack the resources to Mediafire and information, we hope someone from the forums can answer your question or advise you on the best course of action.
12-20-2022 02:18 PM
Alright, thank you.
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