11-25-2024 10:45 PM
I cannot use quest controllers for controlling videos as of a couple weeks ago for some reason. Whenever a 360 video is played in immersive view, the controllers are hidden and do nothing, with the exception of the Home button. The videos are controlled by moving the headset itself and hovering over a spot you want to click for a few seconds.
There are no system, browser, or video player settings related to anything like that. I've thoroughly searched r/OculusQuest and Meta forums for anyone having the same issue, so far there's not a SINGLE mention of something like that.
12-06-2024 12:00 PM
I am literally having the exact same issue. Is there any fix for this yet?
12-07-2024 01:42 PM
Same issue here. The controllers previously worked fine in immersive videos. Now you can see that they are in your hands and can see when you push buttons, but the video controls no longer come up in front of the video. Frustrating!
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