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Quest 2 crashed and wont turn on after trying to update



We bought 2 Oculus Quest 2's in December 2021. We used them a few times within that month, and haven't used them since. 

This Christmas we pulled them out to update them.  Put them on the chargers and tried to update them.

After attempting the update, we are no longer able to even get them to charge and they won't turn on. Have tried master reboot (but have no screen), different chargers, charging on computer vs charger

They were well cared for (even though not used they were stored on the stands in a well ventilated cabinet and cleaned regularly.) They were never dropped/thrown or had anything spilled on them. 

We contacted Meta support (as I've heard that updating has been causing malfunctions in the Quest 2.) After speaking with "Sars" and doing many troubleshooting tactics, I was told by "Sara" that they would replace them. But when I emailed all the information I got an email back that they were out of warranty so they would NOT be replacing them but offered to sell me refurbished ones. 

Has anyone else had this problem? I saw an article somewhere that this is a known issue.




Had exactly the same situation with support, bought 2 Quest2 back in 2021.  Played with them for about 2 months.


One of them was bricked by the update, Meta don't care just wanted us to buy a reconditioned one via their out of warranty programme.   It was pointless as it only came with a 3 month warranty.


There's multiple posts on here and also Reddit of Q2/Q3S/Q3 being bricked by the firmware update.

Unfortunately Meta see their customers as second rate citizens, and if you are out of warranty, then you are out of luck.

Unlikely to purchase any further products from Meta as they will be able to brick your device again at any point in the future and believe they can't be held liable for it. 


Really bad IMO. There should always be a way to factory reset the device, even if software gets completely borked.

I just now was in similar situation, I haven't used my Quest 2 for 1 year now, as I have Quest 3 headset, but I've updated it occasionally, I think during the last summer I guess.

So today I opened my Quest 2, I checked for updates and Quest 2 wanted to update the system to version 68, and after that I got another update, which would be the latest system version (version 72). While the update was downloading (which seemed to take forever for some reason today), I opened the link in the system update page while waiting (which I've probably never done), and only then I noticed that this update may bork the OS of the headset. I was thinking WTF, why you tell me this only here and what to do, so I decided to shutdown the headset after the download is done. But when I did this, the headset automatically anyway wanted to update the system when I put the power back on (although I kinda expected this).

Luckily my headset was updated properly. But there should ALWAYS be some sort of warning directly in the system panel, if there is some potential for damaging the headset.

This headset pushes me all kinds of game and store related updates I don't really want, so why can't it show the most important stuff in system update view when required? It is kinda strange that this isn't a feature, after all, your headset will automatically download the update file, so why not also download and show the critical stuff in the same UI.

Expert Trustee

@Ezez333  @H3av3N_UK  

there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Thanks, yeah I'm aware of these threads, but support are refusing to do anything.

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