12-04-2024 11:17 PM - edited 01-01-2025 05:16 AM
I have not used my Oculus Quest 2 since July, nearly 5 months ago, because of a left controller issue. Well, I made an attempt to use the headset today and it will not turn on at all. I've confirmed that the battery is fully charged by placing the headset in my charging cradle. The light glows green instead of orange, indicating a fully charged headset. However, I've also noticed that the indicator light next to the power button no longer illuminates during the charging process. I even snapped on my battery pack to see if that would allow the headset to power up. Even though the battery pack was also fully charged, the headset still would not turn on. I should also add that my Meta Quest app says that my device is disconnected. But how and why is this the case? I've never manually disconnected the two or requested that Meta disconnect them. The headset settings option is grayed out in the app, so how am I suppose to reconnect them by myself?
I am NOT interested in doing a factory reset and losing all of the progress for my games. So please, don't even suggest that. It's not an acceptable option for me. My Quest 2 has been stored in a safe, dry place with no extreme temperatures. So what in the world is going on? Is this Meta's way of trying to force users into buying one of the much more expensive upgraded versions? I can't afford that at this time! But if Meta wants me to have one so badly, you are welcome to gift one to me. Otherwise, I need this issue fixed promptly, please. Thank you.
12-27-2024 09:49 PM
Having the exact same issue! Controller issue so did not play for an extended period. Purchased new controller to see if that fixed the previous issue only to run into same problem you’re having— headset was charged for over 8 hours and the cable works fine with our other quest 2. Charging indicator not showing anything. App stated disconnected and unable to reset from app due to this.
I’ve tried everything under the sun and can’t get it to work. Even desperately tried the factory reset and still nothing.
Hoping someone finds a fix. 🙏🏼
12-28-2024 03:16 AM
there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.
01-01-2025 05:18 AM
Thank you. I'll certainly do that.
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Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset