3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Screen jitter occurs when attempting to video record on two Oculus Quest 2 devices, suggesting a software-related issue rather than hardware malfunction.
When initiating video recording on Oculus Quest 2 headsets, the screen exhibits noticeable jitter. This issue is consistent across two separate devices with different usage histories and slightly different software versions, indicating a potential software bug rather than a hardware defect.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Result:
The screen should remain stable during video recording, providing a smooth capture of the user's view.
Actual Result:
The screen jitters noticeably throughout the recording process, affecting the quality and usability of the captured video.
Recording Settings:
Quest settings
Additional Notes:
How do i fix this?
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I've been able to access back my main account that was hacked from me by a ethical specialist assistance on tiktok called Xiaospy1, he's a professional recovery hacker.
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