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Quest 2 keeps disconnecting from WIFI


Quest 2 keeps dropping Wifi
It's been a couple of weeks and HOURS of google searching and experimenting and it persist.
I haven't timed it but it happens consistently every 5 minutes or so. Just long enough for me to load a game and join a server.

Steps I have tried:
Separate the 2.4ghz and 5ghz into different SSIDs
Restart the Wifi
Restart the Quest
Enable the Experimental feature option Disable Wifi refresh in the settings.
Verbally degrading the hardware and threatening to replace it
Creating a Voodoo doll of Zuckerberg with hair clippings bought off ebay
Wringing my hands in desperate anguish and screaming into the void.

I have an ATT fiber router that's a foot away in the same room with clear line of sight.
I have tried using different bands, 40/80/126

Please help. It's useless like this.


Accepted Solutions


I have found a solution!

I had to turn off wifi 6 on my router (Asus RT-AX56U). There is a problem with connection only in AX (Wifi6) mode.

View solution in original post



Hi @MontroseChloe 

I hate to be that person but... the one thing you haven't tried is a factory reset.

I know its a pain but the Quest 2 has had so many updates including a major android software update. Android does like a factory reset after a big version change and that should clear things up for you.

If you're worried about losing game data head on over to and check everything is updated

Hope this helps

Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

Performed a factory reset. Again. I had already performed one before all of this. But just to do my due diligence I did Another Factory reset. Got everything logged in and set up and BAM 5 minutes in disconnected from wifi.

WHY does it disconnect!? This makes NO sense. 

Hello there, @MontroseChloe! A consistent Wi-Fi connection is such a big part of a successful VR experience, and you certainly shouldn't miss out! With this in mind, we'd love to help out! To begin with, could you please clarify the following points so we can get a better idea of this issue?

  • Are you using your headset in Standalone more, or connected to a PC?
  • Is your headset and Meta Quest mobile app fully up to date?
  • Is your Meta Quest mobile app and headset connected to the same Wi-Fi network, including bandwidth?
  • Have you tried a different Wi-Fi or hotspot at all?
  • When factory resetting, was this action done through the Meta Quest mobile app or through the headset?
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hiya! We're checking back in on that issue you were reporting earlier with your headset constantly disconnected from Wi-Fi. It's pretty important to us that this problem is properly addressed and you're able fully enjoy the virtual world without being kicked off like that! Let us know if you still need assistance and we can continue from there! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Answer your questions in order
- Standalone
- both are fully up to date
- Headset is connected to 5 ghz SSID and Phone to the 2.4 ghz SSID
- I created a hotspot on my windows desktop PC and It works without disconnecting, but the signal from my PC is VERY weak and VERY slow. It constantly buffers. 
- Through the headset and through the phone. Phone the second time I believe. 

I have the Headset setup on the 5ghz Wifi with a static IP. They have different SSID's and passwords. I don't see any other useful options in the Modem/router menus. But CLEARLY it's an issue with the Modem as it works fine on my Desktops hotspot.

*edit* ignore this. I can see you have chosen separate SSIDs

How far are you using your Quest from the router? Your PC may have stronger Wi-Fi antennae than your headset thus getting better signal

Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

From where I sit I can almost touch both. 
To be VERY precise. From where I sit
the Modem/Router is 4ft 2" away
the Desktop PC is 3ft 4" away. Both in clear line of sight.

ALSO, again. The Desktop hotspot is VERY VERY weak. It gets 1 bar and for example, watching a youtube video it constantly has to stop and buffer. It DOES NOT however disconnect. It's just REALLY slow.

The Wifi, which AGAIN is is close enough I can lean over and touch it, has FULL BARS, has NOTHING else on the 5 ghz SSID which IS separated and different and has it's own dedicated local IP

Have you tried downloading WiFi analyser on your phone and just seeing how much local traffic there is on 5ghz. It may be that both your pc and headset are struggling to get through to a specific signal as it's so contested

Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

My PC is hardwired. It has a weak signal because I installed a cheap chinese M.2 wireless module with no antenna on it. It's just there for a Bluetooth device I was using.
The Traffic isn't an issue where I'm at.

Again, I don't have the issue on the hot spot thats on a barely there signal that is WAY more susceptible to interference that the Modem..... 

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