11-05-2021 07:05 AM - edited 11-05-2021 07:07 AM
That is unless I go into USB update mode and leave it there. So this seems to be a software issue, which means I might have to factory reset. However, I would like to find an alternative solution to this problem. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? I already tried discharging the entire battery and then recharging the Quest 2, but that didn't work.
Thanks in advance
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-01-2023 01:30 PM
Hey Dorra_J, we see you're having issues with your headset only charging about halfway. We understand how frustrating this can be, especially when the cable is not the issue. Nonetheless, we're here to help!
We also see you have already attempted some troubleshooting steps, to no avail, and want to avoid having to factory reset.
Please attempt to reboot your headset using the following directions:
With your headset on, hold the power button on the right side of your headset down until you're prompted with a shut-down screen.
Select Restart to reboot your Quest 2 or Quest.
If this does not resolve the issue, please submit a support ticket, reference this post, and we can review some solutions with you!
01-11-2023 01:56 PM
So, check this out.
I spent nearly 3 weeks between opening the ticket and getting the replacement headset.
it arrives defective. Will not pair to the app (tried four phones). So you can’t go past the first screen.
Meta WILL NOT honor an advanced replacement unit for their mistake!!
Instead they want to start the process all over again and have me send it back, wait, and then they will send me another one for another two week wait.
01-11-2023 01:59 PM
I actually ran into this as well, due to the replacement headset being on old firmware.
In my case I had to use the USB update mode to update the firmware manually, after which it paired fine with the app. It's an oversight on Oculus' part to send out units with out of date firmware.
01-11-2023 04:57 PM - edited 01-11-2023 05:00 PM
Exactly! it was meta’s responsibility to ship working replacement devices with proper firmware and they failed.
Meta is FAILING to ship a “refurbished headset that has been tested to meet all the requirements.” That’s their own words.
and to top it off, they are refusing an advanced return (they will immediately ship a replacement without waiting for mine) forcing me to spend another two weeks for a total of four.
01-11-2023 05:38 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Your headset is out of warranty and this is poor service by Meta?
The problem is your battery needs replacement and they offer a free replacement.
If we are talking about a unit that will not charge past 55% it's not a firmware issue - it's a bad battery.
Now if they sent you one that has been sitting for a while I'm sure it will need upgrades.
It's no different than a PC. You get a used PC first thing you do is make sure it's fully updated.
Again as a person that went through this problem I do think these batteries do not have a long enough lifetime.
As such down the road they need to either make it easier to replace the batteries or use the method BoBo VR uses on their head strap. In other words not have a built in battery.
But it is what it is as these were early generations of VR head sets and there are problems that need be solved.
01-11-2023 05:42 PM - edited 01-11-2023 05:47 PM
So, trading in a working device (with shortened battery life) and getting back a completely unusable brick that can’t be paired/activated sounds good?
there are reports of people getting units with scratched lenses and scratches, which is a terrible RMA.
The original battery issue was it’ll only fully charge in bootloader menu, that’s a bug, not a battery issue. Something with their OS battery calibration is bad.
Replacing my unit with a “brick” that can’t be paired or activated is worse. I was better off keeping my working unit.
01-11-2023 09:02 PM
They are not giving you a new unit. They are giving you a refurbished one and yes it may have scratches on it,
But from what I am seeing they are not liable to give anything as they are replacing units that are past the warranty.
Had they offered me one I would have taken it as it's a lot of work to change that battery.
Want a sure fix then bring your unit to a repair shop and have them replace the battery.
Will most likely cost you $200
Or don't do anything and use an external battery. How many years do you expect to get out of it?
3 years? More?
These Headsets really were not made to be repaired which is pretty much like Cell Phones and many TV sets.
As far as a pairing problem goes this depends on how the person connects. WiFi or cable?
And it depends on both having the latest software.
Contact support and go through the steps with them if you can't do it yourself.
Again if we are talking about an out of warranty unit and if you get one at no charge then I think this is more than enough.
01-19-2023 09:55 PM
Well, you can add me to this list. I think it's been stuck around 85% for a while now, but the last few weeks it won't go past 55% on most charges. It doesn't seem to passively charge while doing Link via cable at all anymore, and I can barely get through a two hour session while plugged in. I was really hoping after 17 pages someone would have come up with a solution other than hoping for an RMA. How disappointing.
Mine is a launch unit. I've been using Oculus headsets since the DK1.
Also, unrelated, I've been getting a pop-up from Meta to take a survey every 30 seconds or so while viewing this thread. I finally gave up and took the survey and I'm STILL getting the pop-up. It makes me never want to come back to this site for support.
02-04-2023 12:37 PM
You don't need to switch to USB mode to charge it 100%.
Simply hold down the power button when the oculus asks to shut down or restart, press the power button again.
It goes into dark standby mode and you can charge the oculus to 100% in this state.
02-04-2023 01:15 PM
i'm pretty sure that what youre saying is the same thing as regular standby mode, in which case does not solve this issue. standby mode AND fully powered off mode do not charge to 100%. only way that seems to work is in the USB update mode menu.
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