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Quest 2 not charging to 100% all of a sudden

Honored Guest

I’ve had my Quest 2 since launch. I’ve used it only sparingly so I’d assume there would be less than 100 battery cycles on it. Randomly, I went to use it after it updated and now it will only charge to 77%. This is odd because only a few weeks ago it recharged to 100%. I’m not sure why it’s doing this,  but after researching online, it’s looking like it’s a bug. Has anyone figured out how to fix this issue? I’ve tried restarting and factory resetting it. Still will only charge to 77%. 

i understand batteries degrade, but I have a second Quest 2 which I bought around the same time and I’ve used that one literally as my daily device. That one still charges to 100% and maintains a use time of 2+hrs. So unless the other one has a bug or defective battery, that’s all I can think. I really hope the battery isn’t expanding and will explode on my face. 

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