12-26-2024 11:09 AM
My son opened his brand new quest 2 for christmas. We charged it for around 2 hours and switched it on, i started setting it up to the point of being asked to put in the code to my phone but the screen stayed black. This issue didn't seem to go away so we decided to charge overnight and try again in the morning. The morning comes and now the headset won't switch on at all and no lights appear when on charge.
I've tried resetting, different chargers, different ports and I now am at a loss of what to do.
Any advise really appreciated as my little boy is so upset.
12-26-2024 11:18 AM
there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.
12-26-2024 12:23 PM
Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it
12-26-2024 12:29 PM
@Tomatoman101 and now the very nice people at meta have deleted the thread. It's all over reddit as well. 🤣
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Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset