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Quest 2....not wanting multi player

Honored Guest

Hello, we are new to Quest 2 and VR in general. My daughter was playing gunraiders and started hearing other people's voices and joining the game and she didn't like that. In general, is there a way to protect privacy and select single user only games with the Oculus Quest 2?  Thanks, TW


Also, and a more simple question, is there a way to use the hand controllers to immediately exit a game you don't like, etc., besides the obvious of removing the headset?



No there is not unless you are playing a game for singer player use only. Also there are no parental features on this device as it is not made for children.


As far as I know, it's up to each game to provide features such as the ability to block or mute other players. Every multiplayer game I've tried so far has some way to mute other players, you just have to find the setting in the game. I know you can mute your own microphone in the Quest settings, which should block your own voice in every game.


Removing the headset is in fact the quickest way I know to immediately exit any VR experience. I suggest practicing wearing and removing it quickly outside of a game so you don't accidentally drop or throw the headset. Only problem with this method is that you'll go right back into the app the next time you wear the headset.


Second fastest way I know to exit an app is press the Oculus button on your right controller, then select Quit. Works in every game.

Not applicable

Absolutely right. We're a few years into the Quest experience, there must be a way for universal controls such as this. It is fun to show kids some of the awesome experiences in Quest. But even as an adult ,there's zero reason to talk to strangers. There should be a universal option to mute all other players except for your friends and have your mic go to only friends. I doubt it would be difficult to achieve.

Hi everyone! We see some great community responses here helping each other out, and we love it! We want our users to feel comfortable when they're playing games with friends, so if you have a suggestion that would make your VR experience even better we want to hear it. This is what our new Ideas forum is all about, getting the voices of gamers like yourselves out there. With that being said, when you have the time, please feel free to leave your suggestions on our Ideas forum. You never know what difference you can make by just speaking up. 🤗

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Not applicable

thank you! will post there!

What adults do you know that play rec room and bogo…

Thanks Rudy's, I would agree that there should be a function to mute all other players easily, rather than having to wait until someone maybe says something inappropriate and having to individually mute. It isn't right to expect a 13-year-old to do this in a game. A parent should be able to set this up. These are complete strangers after all. My 14-year-old has been playing single player on Forevr bowl but I'm still getting notifications saying he recently met someone - why when he is on single player mode?

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