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Quest 2 proximity sensor not working

Honored Guest

My quest 2 has a broken proximity sensor ive tried everything but nothing worked but i was still able to turn the sensor off in sidequest becouse i when i turned on the headset i had a few seconds before the headset went to sleep and i was able to connect to sidequest in that time but now i dont even get the few seconds and it instantly goes into sleep mode so i cant even accept the prompt to let the headset connect to sidequest on my laptop so now i dont know what to do can someone please help me?



@pigttt  you can also disable the proximity sensor using the meta quest developer hub app. You'll need to creat a developer account and ensure you have the meta ADB drivers installed on your PC

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Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

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We can see that you are having issues with the proximity sensor on your Quest 2.


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