11-16-2024 09:06 PM
I'm having trouble pairing my headset to my PC.
Here's what I've tried so far:
I've made sure the software on the PC is up to date.
I've made sure the drivers on the PC for the Quest Link are up to date.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Oculus app several times, each time going through the hard disk by hand and deleting every single Oculus related directory after uninstalling the app each time.
I've tried connecting via cable (this works).
I have ensured that the Quest 2 and the PC are on the same subnet, and both can see the Wifi Hotspot, which in this case is called Moonbeam_5g.
When try to pair the Quest 2, I go to add the HMD device in the Oculus app, then I attempt to pair. In the Quest 2 display, it shows that it can detect the presence of Info::SCIFIradio, which is my account and PC name, and that shows that both the PC and the headset are connected to the wifi.
However, when I click the "Pair" button, it just times out. It says it can't connect to the host PC. Then it tells me to make sure there are no other headsets connect (there aren't), and try again (I have). Then it says that if I'm still having trouble, try restarting the headset (I've lost count of how many times I've done this) or restart the Quest PC app in Settings->Beta (I've done this also, and reinstalled it so many times, deleting all the program's config directories so many times I have lost count).
There have been no changes to the firewall configuration on the PC, and this used to work on my local subnet. It does work properly when connected by cable, but running a Quest 2 on a tether is a pitiful experience by comparison to a wireless one. The Quest 2 itself has no difficulty using Wifi, and networking directly from the headset appears to work fine.
I could use some help on this, please.
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