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Quest 2 unusable due to "tracking lost" issue

Honored Guest

I bought the headset from a guy, Quest 2, 64 GB, at first everything worked normally, he performed factory reset, but at home I found that after turning it on, it only shows a grey screen with background music.

I let the device charge overnight and the next day I got to the stage, where updates started downloading, but suddenly controllers started moving on their own, and then I just saw the grey screen again.

I let it sit for a few hours and then the screen was normal again and I finally finished the initial setup and got into the main menu interface. But as soon as the physical boundaries (guardian) were about to be set, the "tracking lost" error jumped out at me and the controllers started moving on their own again. I could continue in the mode without the guardian set, where the controllers work (but the cameras on the headset themselves don't track anything)

Of course, I've tried to solve it in all these ways:

-changing rooms where I use headset

- unpair controllers, change batteries in controllers

- change lighting in the room

- perform reboot

- performing factory reset once again

- cleaning the 4 cameras on the headset

- changing tracking frueqency from auto to 50/60 hz

- resetting guardian history

= nothing work

Now I'm in a state where after x hours when the headset is switched off, I switch on the headset and everything works normally for about a minute, tracking, passthrough, hand tracking - but then suddenly the error message "tracking lost" appears again by itself and controllers move on their own from top to bottom, even when I'm not moving at all - so I can't start any game that requires guardian because it always shows me the error "tracking lost" . You can see that in the video.

Tracking issue video 

Since I've tried just about every possible method to fix this and even multiple factory resets haven't helped, I'm afraid this is a hardware issue, that is causing one or more of the cameras on the headset to not work as they should.

I also contacted meta support and they couldn't help me, they just told me that the headset is no longer under warranty and they can send me a refubrished headset for $150, which may be ok, if I live in US, but I live in Czech Republic, so with shipping and taxes it would cost more than I would like to..

I guess I'll need to look inside the headset and see if some wire or component is making mischief inside.


I'll be glad for any of your insights or ideas guys...thanks




Honored Guest

Similar issue here, same exact 64gb model and I can't figure out what's causing this either.

Thanks for reaching out to us, @dandy666 and @xonnop! We understand that you both have received a 'Tracking Lost' error message and have already performed various troubleshooting steps, but we want to make sure that we provide you both with all of our resources. When you receive the 'Tracking Lost' message, you actually have the option of disabling the Guardian. What you can do is reset your Guardian, so you will be able to start tracking without any errors. 


If you're still receiving the error message we recommend these few troubleshooting steps below. If you have already done them, we kindly request that you retry them and verify their success:

The troubleshooting steps above have proven to be successful in the past in removing the 'Tracking Lost" error message. If they're unsuccessful for either of you, please reach out to in a private message us so we can take other steps. To access our profile page, either select our name or click here! Next, click on "Send Message" to send us a private message. Please remember, you must be signed into the community before sending us a private message! We wish you both a great day!

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