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Quest 2 update Killed my unit

Honored Guest

2021 I purchased a New Quest 2 and used it about 20 hours and that’s generous guesstimate.  I finally picked it back up and logged on, got my profile set back up and ready to engage my social experiences again. I had it on the charger for about 24 hours to make sure that I had a lot of time to spend playing on the Quest 2. While it was on the Charge the unit gate me a chip with a down error and showed a download bar- I assumed it was completing the download after 24 hours being on the charger. I left the unit on the charger for about 3 more hours and the screen was black. I powered the unit on and watched the screen come on again with the icon of the chip with a arrow down and watched as it turned off then on and went to a scrolling “Meta OS” sign and then went gray- Nothing happened and I waited for quite some time before trying to power off.  I powered the unit off and it reloaded with the “Meta OS” and then actually went Black/Dark. 

The unit wont turn on and when plugged on the charger it showed nothing. The unit after the Meta OS update killed the unit. 

I was on the “Chat customer service for a good 40 minutes confirming I have followed all the online and confirmed reset and troubleshooting opportunities were used. All exhausted and did nothing for the unit after the Meta OS Update. 

Keep in mind this unit has been used only 20 hours and has never been dropped or even used to initiate a problem on my part. 

Customer service advised my unit is out of warranty for replacement and i could purchase a refurbished unit for another 169.00 with a 30 day warranty after I have already purchased the original Quest 2 at 299.00. 

After doing some research because this seems like a META problem- I found a very recent article posted by META stating that the Quest 2, 3 and pro updates have had problems with no resolution at this time and that they are working on it. 

This tells me the update further more damaged my unit and Meta should be responsible for the replacement of my headset that is practically brand new still in the original box with all the purchased extended accessories and games I purchased. 

I feel that META has dropped the ball at the consumers expense. Unacceptable so I’ll find resources to file a field complaint in hopes that they Fix what they broke. 

Good Luck everyone- Wish me luck on this expensive journey Courtesy of a corrupted META OS update. 




you might want to check this thread out -  add you voice to the thread

Re: Unacceptable Response to Software Update Break... - Meta Community Forums - 1273736

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Honored Guest

This also happened to me! I’m still looking for a resolution 

Honored Guest

This is what is happening to me right now. I'm beyond pissed.


Honored Guest

Same thing with our Quest 2. Just got it for Christmas, updated it and it's now completely unresponsive. 

Honored Guest

How ironic the same exact thing happened to me  Christmas morning. Meta assured me that the engineers working diligently on it and will email me when problem is fixed. I felt he was avoiding telling me if my unit was a goner just to give me a slither of hope. So hopefully it’ll fix its self. It’s like  an  episode of 3 Body Problem  smh 

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