10-17-2022 03:53 PM
Around 5 months ago I had no issues with my Oculus Quest 2.
Then the issues started -- sluggish performance for no apparent reason. Then it wouldn't connect to the desktop app so I couldn't use Steam VR for my apps.
I contacted support and they told me to set up everything again. Repeatedly. Like this was the only solution available so just keep trying it until it magically works.
Well, after several rounds of this, including full software uninstallation and multiple factory resets over a couple of weeks, it finally worked again.
Then the Meta update came and I couldn't even pair the headset with the phone app so the headset is completely unusable.
Customer service just cuts and pastes the same responses -- uninstall, reinstall, factory reset, repeat repeat repeat.
So I try it one more time with full factory reset. Now it can't even update the software on the headset because it keeps dropping Wifi connection. My internet connection is fine, the wifi connection to my phone is fine, and my router is less than 3 meters from the headset. This has never happened before and is a new issue for me. I can't even get to the step where I pair it to the oculus app anymore.
I did a search online and it looks like over 2 years ago people had this issue with their Oculus Quest 2 keeps dropping wifi : OculusQuest (reddit.com) . Whatever changes they keep making, it's become a new issue for me now.
What are my options for a full refund? I'm tired of getting stonewalled by customer service and it has literally been months since I have been able to use my headset.
10-17-2022 05:16 PM
I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with your device. Your options for getting a full refund 5 months after purchasing the device are pretty slim, but if for whatever reason your device isn't working properly, they may be able to replace the device. However, all of these options are only available through Oculus Support via email/chat so you should continue to communicate to them to resolve this for you.
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