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Quest 3 Arm broken


the left-side hinge on my Quest 3 seems to have somehow detached from the main headset.

I have no idea how or why. I've taken really good care of my Q3 for the last 10 months, but now I guess I've had my very first issue. From the research I've done, it seems to be a very common problem with the quest 3 design: The plastic O-ring inside the hinge break apart, so it needs to be cleared and put back together somehow?

The headset still functions, but now I'm afraid to wear it because I don't want to accidently break the charger, or rip the really tiny speaker wire in the left ear...

Miraculously, it'll still charge, but it won't charge with the loose hinge because the charging port is strategically located RIGHT on the hinge! xD

I'll attach a photo for clarity.


Quest3 Hinge problem.jpg

Any tips on how I can fix this would be appreciated, even it it's temporary, I need to use it for work.



Accepted Solutions


@Rune3D  how good are you at fixing stuff. Maybe remove the parts of the hinge that are still attached to the headset, glue them to the side-arm and then refit the side-arm using some king of epoxy glue to stabilize the joint. this video is for the quest 2, but it's a similar process.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

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@Rune3D  how good are you at fixing stuff. Maybe remove the parts of the hinge that are still attached to the headset, glue them to the side-arm and then refit the side-arm using some king of epoxy glue to stabilize the joint. this video is for the quest 2, but it's a similar process.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there @Rune3D,


We can see that the left hinge on your Quest 3 has been detached, we would like to take a closer look at this for you.


For us to be able to take a closer look at this problem for you, we would like to ask you to contact us privately.


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We look forward to hearing from you, so that we can look for solutions for you.

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Yeah, I'm pretty good at fixing things myself. but I've never tried fixing a VR headset before, so I'm a little nervous. 

I was thinking about just squeezing some E5000 industrial glue into the joint, because I don't really need the hinge to actually bend, I just need it to be able to plug in the charger / Link cable. Something is preventing the arm from meshing flatly against the USB-C hole. I'm guessing there's debris in the way.

Will keep you posted!

@Rune3D  depending where you're located the guys that produce the video also carry out repairs.

Looking at the photo, it appears the two white lugs should either be rotated to fully vertical or horizontal to line up with where they broke off from to allow you to fit the connector.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Sounds good! I'll send a message. 🙂

Honored Guest

Hello im having the exact same issue every function works except the headset arm got dislocated or charging port pushed in and i wanna know if you were able to fix it and if yes how? I tried contacting meta support before but i didnt get a help at all.. 


Honored Guest

My son's has the same issue when he was taking it off his head, we've started two cases and no one has helped us find a replacement part or how to replace it or offered to replace it for him.  Right now it's a $600 brick sitting in his room.

I am having the same exact issue. We literally have had it for two weeks meta-quest support said that they do not carry replacement parts or fix those issues even though it seems to be unknown issue anybody have luck figuring out what to do?

Honored Guest

Left hing is broken due to poorly designed plastic part inside. Meta does not offer repairs. 

if in warranty, meta will issue a replacement.





If out of warranty, they will sell a refurbished unit for little bit less ( a discount of 40$).

you can buy a refurbished unit

3rd party will fix it for 170$ or less (

i am very upset purchased my unit openbox.. it broke on first workout. So upsetting meta needs to address the issue! The out-of-warranty replacement is a scam, you pay almsot full refurbished price, they take the unit back fix  the little plastic ring and resell it again for double the profit.

I feel that users need to know about this design flaw and meta needs to do more for it.. support will pretend that this is not so common


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