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Quest 3 Arm broken


the left-side hinge on my Quest 3 seems to have somehow detached from the main headset.

I have no idea how or why. I've taken really good care of my Q3 for the last 10 months, but now I guess I've had my very first issue. From the research I've done, it seems to be a very common problem with the quest 3 design: The plastic O-ring inside the hinge break apart, so it needs to be cleared and put back together somehow?

The headset still functions, but now I'm afraid to wear it because I don't want to accidently break the charger, or rip the really tiny speaker wire in the left ear...

Miraculously, it'll still charge, but it won't charge with the loose hinge because the charging port is strategically located RIGHT on the hinge! xD

I'll attach a photo for clarity.


Quest3 Hinge problem.jpg

Any tips on how I can fix this would be appreciated, even it it's temporary, I need to use it for work.



you guys dont help i got my quest 3 for christmas and it broke after two weeks idk why tho ive never like thrown the headset arouund or anything and you guuys juust toldd me youu couldent help



The same exact thing happened to mine. After only having it for a week it was a Christmas gift for my son and he’s pretty upset. It seems to be a design flaw with the new meta-quest three. When I reached out to support, they basically said there’s nothing they can do and they don’t make those pieces to replace. I don’t know. This just does not seem fair to me. It was clearly a design flaw if it keeps happening to others. I feel like this is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

@Bubs122815  it is a lawsuit waiting to happen, but nobody bothers to start the lawsuit, so they keep getting away with it. There are other mega-thread on here about other issues  and everyone is screaming 'lawsuit' then they just sit there and wait for a lawyer to know at the door to take up the case.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

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I have the same issue. The arm broke off and the wire was severed. I’m pretty good at fixing stuff, but pretty sure glue will not hold. Unsure which parts to order. 


I actually got mine replaced since it was still on it's last month of warranty (Timing couldn't be more close. LOL)
If anyone here still has a Quest 3 that's still under it's 1-year warranty, I'll always recommend this option. Even though @MetaQuestSupport is notoriously unhelpful...

In case if warranty doesn't work, my backup plan was was this:

Dig out all of the debris with a pair of tweezers and a vacuum so that the debris doesn't have that annoying rattle whenever I put it on my head. Then Make sure the arm sits in a position so that that the charger is still easily accessible, without stretching the audio cable (They really don't give you much room).

Get some zip-ties, and zip it back together, tightly, and trim off the excess with a pair of scissors. That way I don't risk making it unfixable with duck-tape or E5000 glue.

If the audio cable inside the arm actually snaps: there's a 3.5mm jack on the opposite arm of the headset. I would've just gotten a cheap pair of earbuds for $15 and just make that the new audio system. 😂 You can also use Bluetooth earbuds, but I hate those.

At that point you'll just have to cope with it being broken... Just DON'T ever move the arm. DON'T take out the headphones, and DON'T EVER lay down with it again.

Or heck, just break it off, make your own headstrap out of duck-tape, and use headphones. But the part in that stupid arm that you REALLY can't replace is the USB-C charginge port. If you can't access that, and if it's not taking a charge.... At that point, you're officially boned. You'll NEED to get it repaired by a 3rd party electronic repair shop, which will cost $100+ instead of $10-20.

Of course, I think the reason why the stupid thing broke was because I used the Kiwi headstrap instead of the standard cloth-strap that comes with the Quest 3. The truth is, that headstrap does do it's job, it's just that when you install the Kiwi headstrap and lay down with it: Your head puts pressure on the tightening knob, located on the back of the head: Which causes stress on the arms, causing it to eventually tear itself apart from main headset. I currently use the cloth headstrap and have laid down with it several times. Works just fine! I'm not going to take it outside, or hop on a roller-coaster with it on my head, just be reasonable with it. lol

Hope this helps. I love my Quest 3, but It's ridiculous how unhelpful this site and community is. Especially in terms of offering help and answers to a problem that involves this WELL-KNOWN DESIGN FLAW...

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