3 weeks ago
I bought my Quest 3 headset a few months ago and have recently started to have this issue where my controllers will suddenly shoot off into space and then drift back into my hands. It’s paired with an effect where my position in the boundary gets rotated or sometimes the floor will even raise me up into the sky. I’ve cleaned my tracking cameras, tried new batteries, re-paired the controllers, and reset the headset many times. What would be causing this?
3 weeks ago
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us at Meta Quest Support.
We will have a quick look into this for you, and be right back.
3 weeks ago
Hi there,
Thanks for waiting.
That is definitely not what you want to be happening in the middle of doing something spectacular in VR!
It could possibly be due to any of the following that you could check;
Since you already attempted a large amount of troubleshooting suggestions already we would suggest-
If you run into any problems then please let us know.
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