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Quest 3 Controllers and boundary drifting and rotating

Honored Guest

I bought my Quest 3 headset a few months ago and have recently started to have this issue where my controllers will suddenly shoot off into space and then drift back into my hands. It’s paired with an effect where my position in the boundary gets rotated or sometimes the floor will even raise me up into the sky. I’ve cleaned my tracking cameras, tried new batteries, re-paired the controllers, and reset the headset many times. What would be causing this? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting us at Meta Quest Support.

We will have a quick look into this for you, and be right back.


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there,

Thanks for waiting.

That is definitely not what you want to be happening in the middle of doing something spectacular in VR!

  • Does it happen randomly in any app / game, or just on the home screen?
  • Did anything happen prior to this, any spilt liquids, knocks or bangs?

It could possibly be due to any of the following that you could check;

  • Playing environment is too bright, oversaturating the camera, or has interfering lights
    • Examples: Christmas lights, LED strips, direct sun exposure, etc.
  • Playing environment is too dark, preventing the tracking cameras working properly due to lack of lighting
  • Playing environment contains reflective surfaces, interfering with the tracking cameras
    • Examples: mirrors, television screens, window reflections, glasses, polished marbles, etc.
  • Playing environment does not have enough contrast between objects or textures composing it
    • Examples: varnished wood furniture and parquet floors, all white walls, etc.

Since you already attempted a large amount of troubleshooting suggestions already we would suggest-

  • Making sure that it is running the latest update (This can be checked for any software updates in the headset settings)
  • Make sure the tracking is turned on- By default, the headset will use 6DoF tracking, unless it has been turned off in the Guardian settings panel or lost tracking while in VR.
  • Clear your boundary history
  • Remove any third-party accessories- controller covers, attachments, etc.
  • Hard Reboot the device from the boot screen (Turn off device, Hold down Volume (-) button and Power button on headset until boot screen loads)
  • As a last resort- as this will delete all content on the device- including save games, photos, and profiles. Perform a Factory Reset either from the boot screen or the Horizon phone app.

If you run into any problems then please let us know.


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