06-01-2024 06:37 PM
The Facial Interface comes with the headset is it covered under warranty or do i have to buy a new one for a replacement
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-04-2024 08:39 AM
Hi again, @robot.521496! We're following up to confirm and determine if we can be of service where warranted. However, we've yet to hear back but if there's any induced/accidental damage; feel free to purchase brand new at your earliest convenience. We'll stay tuned in the meantime as we're eager to help! Hope to hear more details from you soon.
06-03-2024 08:01 AM
Hi, @robot.521496! The facial interface for the Quest 3 is not covered under warranty unless there's been a recall. If/when in need for a replacement though, the following must be considered:
What seems to be the reason for a replacement in your case?
06-04-2024 08:39 AM
Hi again, @robot.521496! We're following up to confirm and determine if we can be of service where warranted. However, we've yet to hear back but if there's any induced/accidental damage; feel free to purchase brand new at your earliest convenience. We'll stay tuned in the meantime as we're eager to help! Hope to hear more details from you soon.
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