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Quest 3: First Encounters wont start for me


I seem to have a problem with the demo/showcase app, where it keeps asking for me to scan the room, even if I did beforehand. So what I do is click "try again" but no matter how many times I try, the game stills show the disclaimer and wont let me play. Anyone else with this, or is a solution known?


Honored Guest

Same here, worked great yesterday,now i look like a fool in front of my colleagues. GG

Honored Guest

This happens for me too. It might be slightly different here, while scanning the room the headset loses tracking and the world starts spinning. I have to hard restart to try again usually.

Honored Guest

I have the same issue. Scanned many times, tried simpler rooms too. Nothing got me past the loop.

Honored Guest


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey everyone! Since this seems to be a issue for you all we would love the opportunity to help! We are wanting to ask some questions to see if this is the app itself causing issues or something troubleshooting on our end may resolve. Can you all please let us know about the following:


  • Are you able to launch other applications? Does the problem occur with more than one app?
  • When did this start? Were any changes made?
  • Is the Oculus Home Experience having any issues?

Once we know more we can continue to look further into this issue for everyone! Hope to hear from you all soon.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey everyone! We wanted to follow up and see if you guys have been able to perform the steps we provided or if you still need assistance with this issue. Please reach back out to us and let us know if we need to look into this issue further with you or if the issue is resolved.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest


I had the same problem, after launching the game nothing were happening.

I updated the app and now it works fine.

Hey there @payam.arabzadeh. We're happy that you found a solution that worked for you, and we appreciate you sharing it with the community!​


If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey, how did you update it? I tried to uninstall the game but failed.

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